It’s June, and you know what that means — it’s time to forget Father’s Day! One year, my dad skipped church (I’m kidding, he never went to church) so my mom and my sibling and I went and learned it was Father’s Day. Gah! If it had been at the Baptist Bible school my parents […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-05-31 13:33:202022-05-31 13:33:57Father’s Day Fun In Palm Springs
“There are three good reasons to be a teacher — June, July, and August.” — Unknown It’s June, and that means it’s National Accordion Awareness Month. If you’re not familiar with an accordion, it sounds like someone attached a keyboard to a bagpipe and powered it with a leaf blower. At least it did when […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-05-31 13:18:352022-05-31 13:19:05Here Comes The Sun: June Events In Palm Springs
If you thought Palm Springs becomes a ghost town during the summer, think again. Picture relaxing evenings poolside, dinners, and parties with your friends, watching the sun go down behind our rugged mountains. Wouldn’t you like to be assured you’ll have sun during your vacation, not rain? Packing a suitcase for Palm Springs Here’s the […] Condon Condon2022-05-07 11:16:582022-05-07 11:17:28What Should I Pack For My Palm Springs Summer Vacation?
You woke up in Palm Springs — what a great way to start the day! You may be wondering, what kind of things are there to do other than shop, eat, and soak up the rays poolside at my wonderful boutique resort? Tons, people, tons! And these are all outdoors so you can enjoy the […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-05-03 15:08:562022-05-03 15:09:29Explore The Great Outdoors In Palm Springs
It has been over a century since Hollywood put Palm Springs on the map. Rudolph Valentino may have been the first to bring it to national recognition when he honeymooned with Natacha Rambova at Florilla White’s Palm Springs Inn. What’s so newsworthy about that? Well, he was not quite legally divorced from his first wife, […]
Father’s Day Fun In Palm Springs
It’s June, and you know what that means — it’s time to forget Father’s Day! One year, my dad skipped church (I’m kidding, he never went to church) so my mom and my sibling and I went and learned it was Father’s Day. Gah! If it had been at the Baptist Bible school my parents […]
Here Comes The Sun: June Events In Palm Springs
“There are three good reasons to be a teacher — June, July, and August.” — Unknown It’s June, and that means it’s National Accordion Awareness Month. If you’re not familiar with an accordion, it sounds like someone attached a keyboard to a bagpipe and powered it with a leaf blower. At least it did when […]
What Should I Pack For My Palm Springs Summer Vacation?
If you thought Palm Springs becomes a ghost town during the summer, think again. Picture relaxing evenings poolside, dinners, and parties with your friends, watching the sun go down behind our rugged mountains. Wouldn’t you like to be assured you’ll have sun during your vacation, not rain? Packing a suitcase for Palm Springs Here’s the […]
Explore The Great Outdoors In Palm Springs
You woke up in Palm Springs — what a great way to start the day! You may be wondering, what kind of things are there to do other than shop, eat, and soak up the rays poolside at my wonderful boutique resort? Tons, people, tons! And these are all outdoors so you can enjoy the […]
Descanso Resort: Hollywood, Palm Springs Style
It has been over a century since Hollywood put Palm Springs on the map. Rudolph Valentino may have been the first to bring it to national recognition when he honeymooned with Natacha Rambova at Florilla White’s Palm Springs Inn. What’s so newsworthy about that? Well, he was not quite legally divorced from his first wife, […]