Sometimes, a girl just needs to shop. And sometimes a girl only has a few shekels to spare (at least that has been this girl’s experience.) For me, nothing is more satisfying than finding a treasure at a bargain price. And to-be-found treasures abound in Greater Palm Springs. Take it from the groaning rod in […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-08-07 11:26:022022-08-08 16:06:35Second Hand Rose: A Guide To Thrifting In Greater Palm Springs
?We’re having a heatwave. A tropical heatwave. The temperature’s rising, it isn’t surprising, we’re having a heatwave.?— Irving Berlin Factoring in heat and humidity, Palm Springs is like…everywhere else in the world right now: hot and muggy. But we’re still Palm Springs — relaxed and groovy, a respite from traffic congestion, smog, and overworked, underpaid, […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-07-31 19:42:442022-07-31 19:43:13Beat The Heat: August Events In Palm Springs
Missed Parts 1 and 2? Read them here and here. Now, we’re delving into boutique hotels that have food and beverages available for guests only — but I’ve also got a few surprises tucked in here as well. With these resorts, breakfasts are almost always included, and the afternoons have other delectable amenities. It’s all […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-07-19 19:40:442022-07-19 19:44:41You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts, Part 3
Missed Part 1? Read it here. Welcome to summer in Palm Springs! This is long — lots to share! — so without further ado, the smaller resorts with restaurants: Arrive Palm Springs — This resort is built to be social, and the poolside restaurant serves snacks and libations including “Poptails” — icy alcoholic popsicles. They used […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-07-12 18:34:422022-07-12 18:35:16You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts, Part 2
“I need to disappear, escape for a little bit / Take a trip to Palm Springs if you’re into it.” — Mistel Marie, “Palm Springs” It’s hot and getting hotter in Palm Springs, and unless you’re a Bedouin, it’s a bit too too for outdoor adventures. How do desert rats even exist? I’d love to […] Kudukis Kudukis2022-07-05 15:43:042022-07-05 15:44:10You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts
Second Hand Rose: A Guide To Thrifting In Greater Palm Springs
Sometimes, a girl just needs to shop. And sometimes a girl only has a few shekels to spare (at least that has been this girl’s experience.) For me, nothing is more satisfying than finding a treasure at a bargain price. And to-be-found treasures abound in Greater Palm Springs. Take it from the groaning rod in […]
Beat The Heat: August Events In Palm Springs
?We’re having a heatwave. A tropical heatwave. The temperature’s rising, it isn’t surprising, we’re having a heatwave.?— Irving Berlin Factoring in heat and humidity, Palm Springs is like…everywhere else in the world right now: hot and muggy. But we’re still Palm Springs — relaxed and groovy, a respite from traffic congestion, smog, and overworked, underpaid, […]
You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts, Part 3
Missed Parts 1 and 2? Read them here and here. Now, we’re delving into boutique hotels that have food and beverages available for guests only — but I’ve also got a few surprises tucked in here as well. With these resorts, breakfasts are almost always included, and the afternoons have other delectable amenities. It’s all […]
You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts, Part 2
Missed Part 1? Read it here. Welcome to summer in Palm Springs! This is long — lots to share! — so without further ado, the smaller resorts with restaurants: Arrive Palm Springs — This resort is built to be social, and the poolside restaurant serves snacks and libations including “Poptails” — icy alcoholic popsicles. They used […]
You Never Have To Leave These Palm Springs Resorts
“I need to disappear, escape for a little bit / Take a trip to Palm Springs if you’re into it.” — Mistel Marie, “Palm Springs” It’s hot and getting hotter in Palm Springs, and unless you’re a Bedouin, it’s a bit too too for outdoor adventures. How do desert rats even exist? I’d love to […]