How California’s stay-at-home order applies to Palm Springs

Coronavirus spores

Under California’s current stay-at-home order, hotels in Southern California — including those in Palm Springs — are only open to “essential workers” or people who are quarantining due to COVID-19 exposure. No leisure traveling should be taking place at this time.

The order will be in effect until at least Dec. 27. The coronavirus is spreading at an uncontrollable rate in the state, and the order was triggered in Southern California when hospital intensive care unit capacity dropped below 15 percent in the region.

Here are some things to keep in mind while this order is in place:

  • The city of Palm Springs told the Los Angeles Times that “short-term lodging is available to in-state travelers only if those travelers are traveling on essential business or for COVID-mitigation purposes.” 
  • The state of California considers health care providers and caregivers, members of law enforcement, grocery store employees, and mass transit workers among essential employees. Click here for a full list of essential workers.
  • The California State Public Health Department says nonessential travel includes people going on trips that are “considered tourism or recreational in nature.” 
  • One example of a permissible hotel stay is if your spouse was diagnosed with COVID-19 or exposed to the virus — you could book a room in Palm Springs while they are quarantined in your home.

Throughout this crisis, our hotels have gone above and beyond to keep their guests and staff safe. Learn more about our COVID-19 safety guidelines here.