Boutiquely Palm Springs

If you love staying at independently-owned small hotels, you’ll adore Boutiquely Palm Springs. From tips on what to do, see and eat in Palm Springs, to interviews with hoteliers, it’s the insider’s guide to everything great about Palm Springs and its iconic boutique hotels.

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An aerial view of the mid-century architecture of Arrive Palm Springs with the San Jacinto Mountains in the background

May Events: Celebrate Moms And Modernism In Palm Springs

May The Force Be With You — Star Wars There’s a lot to do in the merry, merry month of May, so I’ll shut up so we can get on our merry, merry way: Special Days Mother’s Day — May 8 Melvyn's — Special menu for Mom Le…
Pink and blue umbrellas and lounge chairs surround the relaxing pool at INNdulge Palm Springs men's clothing-optional resort in Palm Springs, California

INNdulge Offers The Best Of Palm Springs Hospitality

"We're not interested in being the most expensive resort in Palm Springs, but we are interested in being the nicest." — INNdulge owner Jon Jackson Warm Sands is a beautiful Palm Springs neighborhood with sprawling estates, their edges lined…
Joshua trees against a blue sky and clouds in Joshua Tree National Park

Put These SoCal Day Tripping Destinations On Your Agenda

Day tripping is a fun way to get out and play at some of the super cool spots around Palm Springs. That's what Dwight D. Eisenhower did in 1954, when he slipped away for many hours under the cover of having an emergency dental appointment. It…

Wildflowers And Hiking Trails Offer Delight In The Desert

"April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers." — Edna St. Vincent Millay In the spring, nature's theater doesn't always mean "head to the storm cellar!" In the desert, spring stages an extravaganza of colorful wildflowers called…

Follow The Music To Palm Springs: April Events

"Spring is nature's way of saying, ''Let's party!'" — Robin Williams Welp, it's time for Coachella again, and what a beast of a party it's going to be this year with Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, Swedish House Mafia, and Kanye (billed as…

Privacy And Tranquility Can Be Yours At A Palm Springs AvantStay Property

Palm Springs' vibrant vibes are attracting more and more people from around the world. Outdoor restaurant patios are filled and lovely shops cater to a wide variety of budgets and tastes. Listen closely and you'll hear happy visitors discussing…
The Triangle Inn pool and spa on a bright sunny day in Palm Springs, California

The Triangle Inn: Same Time Next Year

The Triangle Inn is like a charming man with a cheeky wit and a very sexy smile. Who wouldn’t want a second date? Let's start with a few fun facts, rated Hollywood-style. The Triangle Inn spans the corners of San Lorenzo (très exotique,…
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St. Patrick’s Day 2022: Put On Something Green And Party In Palm Springs

In Chicago, St. Patrick's Day is such a huge deal — they dye the Chicago River green and have a huge parade, then everyone does a pub crawl, downing Jameson shots with green beer chasers, before going home and calling in sick the next day. At…
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It’s Time For Another Action-Packed March In Palm Springs

"I try not to limit my madness to March." — Maxine (a.k.a. John Wagner for Shoebox Cards) For most of the world, March is a tempestuous mistress. Cold and blustery, then cold and sunshine-y. She’s a whole lot of brrrrrrrrr. In Palm…
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5 Ideas For The Perfect Palm Springs Valentine’s Day

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." – Coco Chanel Named after Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers (weird three to lump together, but whatever), Valentine’s Day somehow took…

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