
Ruby Montana’s Coral Sands Inn: Where Every Room has a Theme

No two rooms are alike at Ruby Montana’s Coral Sands Inn (https://www.palmspringspreferredsmallhotels.com/stay/ruby-montanas-coral-sands).

Each one is a testament to the owner’s distinct style, which was on full display in the store she once operated in Seattle, Ruby Montana’s Pinto Pony. Many of the furnishings and knickknacks from the shop made it to California with Montana when she moved in 2000, and they are now in the different themed rooms.

The hotel was built in 1952, but Montana is going for more of a kitschy feel, rather than pure mid-century modern. The hotel is pink after all, with a kidney-shaped pool in the middle of the courtyard, and the rooms have names like “Howdy Doody Goes to Bali” and “The Yiddish Cow Girl.”

Depending on where you stay, there might be wagon wheels and horse lamps next to your bed,  pictures of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on the wall, or maybe a leopard carpet covering the floor with a matching duvet on the bed. It’s this fun, surprising vibe that keeps guests coming back.